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Alternative Naturals™ New Functional Line From Keys – REVOLUTIONARY

Alternative Naturals™

The Alternative Naturals™ challenge began over 6 years ago.  When Keys founder Bob Root learned of significant skin disorders afflicting the astronauts on the US International Space Station, he thought there must be a way.  Lotions and liquids just do not work well in zero-gravity.  The challenge was to create a jelly, but not from petroleum.  Starting with organic pure avocado oil, Bob began experimenting. The end result was a proprietary production process where the oil is altered to form a jelly similar in consistency to petrolatum, but with none of the impurities or petroleum.  This is a mechanical and not chemical process where the properties are altered to a higher viscosity and the jelly-like properties of petrolatum.  The next challenge was to use the same process to develop jellies from other oils and to be able to add natural ingredients that would make more functional natural vegan products for daily use.

Today marks the point where Keys is pleased to introduce 8 new products into a new functional line called Alternative Naturals™.  The line consists of 6 avocado oil based “Jels” and 2 spray botanical products.


These products using a process that jellies oil have No Petroleum, No Petrolatum, No Wax, No preservatives and No Water.  Like all Keys products, they are free of man-made chemicals, gluten-free and vegan.  The ingredients are the highest quality available and are in full strength proportions.  The line is designed to offer individuals wanting to be chemical-free an alternative to household brands using petrolatum.  The two spray based products are based on a Keys exclusively designed and extracted botanical extract with essential and special oils added to offer functionality to people.

Take a look!

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Alternative Naturals









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Our two spray products were developed from a extract we call Botanica™ and are designed to solve problems experienced by people and dogs.  The first is a skin aid product designed to mimic store brands using chemicals.  The second is a insect repellent that is designed to repel both flying and crawling insect for people and dogs that has many of the same ingredients as our RediCare, but with a botanical extract base that also softens the skin.


Take a look!






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