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Anti-Aging Tip – Avoid Perma-Frown by Getting CNN-Free


By Wendy Steele, Keys CEO

Did your mother every say to you, “Don’t make those faces, it may just freeze that way forever!”  It’s true!  This could be the greatest anti-aging advise of all time!

Our body language and facial expression do more than communicate our mood and intensity.  The way we appear to others can be a lasting reminder on our face of our attitude toward things, our environment and people.  Simply, if you frown all the time you might just end up with “Perma-Frown.”  Those deep ruts in your forehead age your visual appearance.  Perma-Frown makes you look older than you are by the very nature of the shadows those deep furrows create.  Remember it is the shadows that our wrinkles create that makes them look older.

Laughter is an age old beauty secret because it raises our Oxytocin hormone levels which washes us with a feeling of wellbeing.  This cuddle hormone is also created with a warm hug or even just being out with that someone special.  The skin glows and a more youthful appearance accompanies the warm feeling.  This can all be negated if our natural core state is negative.  Could your cellphone be a contributing factor to your aging?

Today’s social society is way overloaded with smartphone interaction which maybe fun and warm, but generally does not release oxytocin.  Worse, peering all day at your cellphone has two potentially negative results.  The first is if you are reading bad news all day, aka CNN, that frown may probably become perma-frown.  Secondly, if you are walking and reading and getting a little older, that squint could become perma-squint.  Be careful watching too much CNN can also create the dreaded permanent aging look called perma-scowl.

There is no question that drinking lots of water, regulating hormones as we age and using natural skin care will be your best anti-aging secret for the skin.  Those wrinkles, ruts and furrows are probably an indication of how happy you are or how much CNN you are exposed to.

So next time you are reading CNN, Fox News or one of the other negative press sources, take a quick selfie to check out how you are responding…Then try to laugh it off.  Yoga has taught me to see a different way of life and create an internal smile.  Being CNN-Free for the last ten years is priceless.


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