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Avo Jel – A Vegan Alternative to Petroleum Jelly

Avojel - petroleum jellyKeys products are always 180º from ordinary.  They are extraordinary.  Our products always have more then one purpose and are always focused on solving problems and making our customers feel good. Yes, Avo Jel is a vegan alternative to petroleum jelly, but it is much much more.

When we recently introduced our Alternative Naturals™ brand, it was clear what each product does and what you can expect.  Because of a number of questions we have received about Avo Jel I think we guessed wrong.   Avo Jel is a jelly similar to petroleum jelly, but the similarity ends there.  Much more.  It is ‘On Purpose!’ and functional in every sense.

Because we use pharmaceutical grade avocado oil to make Avo Jel, you can expect all the benefits of any other Keys product that uses avocado oil.   We have published the features, benefits and advantages of our oils and extracts before in an article titled, Keys Prime Ingredients and Actions, but here is the information about avocado oil again.

blog-avoAvocado oil –  valued for its skin regenerative and moisturizing properties.

Avocado contains oils which are similar to human skin oils – sebum.  Avocado offers the skin moisture. Avocado oil has both Vitamin A and a natural form of Retinol.  The Vitamin A component helps promote a healthy skin microbiome to reduce skin blemishes (acne).  The retinol component is whole and not esthered like synthetic Vitamin A.  It provides natural skin lightening, uniformity of texture and color as well as acting as a natural exfoliant without the use of abrasives or salts.  Avocado oil is also helpful in treating dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne and dry skin conditions.  Keys uses both a virgin expeller pressed avocado oil and a filtered pharmaceutical grade in therapeutic proportions.

  • Proteins and Fatty Acids. Avocado oil contains a high amount of proteins and unsaturated fats, both of which are strong skin agents. Avocado oil contains omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish oil
  • Sterolin. Avocado oil is high in a substance called sterolin, which case studies have shown softening of the skin and reduce the incidence of age spots
  • Antioxidants. Avocado oil is rich in antioxidants, making it useful for healing sun or chemical damaged skin. Antioxidants like vitamins A, D and E in avocado cause the skin to be suppler, and are thus particularly good for dry or aged skin.
  • Lecithin and Potassium. Avocado oil contains lecithin and potassium, which are all highly beneficial for the skin as well as the hair.

So when you think about Avo Jel, think beyond the fact that it is a vegan replacement for petroleum jelly.  You can expect all the value of the avocado oil in a jelly as well.

Only time will tell all the uses people find for Avo Jel.  Even this early since its introduction, we have a real sense that it will be a Keys Super-Star.

Click Here to see Avo Jel on the Keys Online Store.

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