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EWG Sun Safety Campaign – Keys Supports Effort

Keys Supports Efforts of the EWG Sun Safety Campaign with New Book and Website Banners


EWGSS-Logo-3Keys is a proud supporter of the EWG Sun Safety Campaign.  For over ten years, Keys CEO, Wendy Steele, has pounded on the industry to create a campaign to educate end users about the effects of UVA and UVB radiation.  She was one of the first to help identify that the UVB or burning rays should not be the focus.  Moreover, UVA or the aging rays should be the primary focus of education and protection.  Steele pronounce over ten years ago that sunscreens were a minor solution with the emphasis needing to be on wearing a hat, UPF protective clothing and sunglasses with UV filtering.

Keys-300x300-bannerThis new logo will begin appearing on various websites and you are one of the first to see it in use.   The Sun Safety Campaign will also feature Keys and these new banners on their website.  All coming soon.

Wendy Steele and Bob Root are in the process of writing a new book with the working title of “Its Your Skin”  where they outline important actions people need to take to minimizing skin aging.  First on the list is avoiding the sun.  This further supports the EWG Sun Safety basic tenants to stay out of the sun.  Click on either Keys EWG banner to go to the EWG Sun Safety site.


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