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Gabi Wolf Update

If you have been following, through our friend Gabriela Castillo, we have all been nursing a little abused black wolf back to health.    Her leg was shattered from a fall at an abusive vet.  Malnutrition was also a factor to be dealt with.  So, sometimes just a picture is worth one thousand words.

Gabi wolf just out of surgery…Then
Gabi today with a new life!  Now!


From Gabriela.  Note about Gabi Wolf, July 31, 2014

gabi-lakeGabi Wolf’s adoptive guardian messaged me from their home in the mountains. They let me know that last night at dusk a deer came out of the woods near their home and came nose to nose with puppy Gabi wolf. The two just stared at each other and seemed just peaceful and wondrous. It was too dark to get a photo as Gabi Wolf is almost black. I was overjoyed at the moment that was shared. It was been raining there and been around 70 degrees. Gabi LOVES the weather. Coming from horrific desert heat then the concrete of Los Angeles (obviously two places NO wolf belongs) to mountain meadows etc is just fantastic and brings such happiness to those of us who do rescue. There have been some BIG thunderstorms and her guardian reports she has NO fear of them. She actually likes to watch the storm go by and enjoys the weather. I feel so blessed and gifted to have taken part in being of service to her.

The insanity/pressure/stress Joy Elyse Nadel and I with Rescue Me Incorporated went through is all worth it with follow-ups like this!

AGAIN! Thank you to everyone who helped. Thank you to everyone who networked. Thank you to everyone who donated.

Gabi’s leg is healing nicely. It bends now and she uses it more every day. Her guardian has done some amazing therapy with her to bring her to the best health possible.

The photo is of Joy and me when we were at the hospital getting Gabi her surgery.

The last photo is of Gabi present day. Enjoying a little nap outside her home after a three hour hike in the mountain and meadows.

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