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Keys tag line, “Ancient Remedies with Modern Technology” not only applies to our products.  It also applies to our business systems.  We strive constantly improve our delivery of content designed to help our customers make decisions about the products that they use.  The one thing that drives us most is creating shortcuts to get information to you easier and faster.  We are careful not to misuse your time by too many newsletters or redundant communications.

We need your help to make the next big jump in our communication technology.  Because of some new innovations at Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, we can send you snippets that will inform you without filling your email inbox with newsletters.

By liking or following us on Twitter and Facebook, you will receive short real-time notices of new articles, sales and other important communications.  Pinning us and following us on Pinterest will also provide avenues to information.

Over time, this will help Keys reduce the number of Newsletters from Keys.

So, please take a moment and Like and Follow Us…. Also, please tell your friends about us as well.



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