Keys Tortuga Lotion for Vaginal Dryness
Wendy Steele
Keys CEO
We get a lot of questions on our Keys Customer Service system. Among the top questions are about dealing with the symptoms of menopause. Recently, we have had a very large number of women reaching out to us and asking about using our Tortuga lotion for vaginal dryness and using Tortuga as a personal lubricant.
This is a touchy subject, but not for the reasons you might expect.
First, we have many women that use Tortuga and Luminos for vaginal dryness. Our customers tell us that not only do they reduce dryness, but that pain during intercourse is virtually eliminated. I will get into the details in a bit, but it is important to understand that we do not use preservatives and my recommendation is if you use either Tortuga or Luminos for vaginal dryness, that you refrigerate it to maintain the integrity of the product for this use. Of course warming is recommended before use.
Menopausal Dryness
Vaginal dryness is a symptom of menopause. It is also a common disorder among women of all ages and can make every day life and sexual connection difficult. Stress, diet & chemicals in products can also be a mitigating cause of the dryness, so it is important to try to search for the cause of the dryness. As remarkable as it may seem, laundry detergent that uses sulfates, vaginal products that contain glycols (PEG’s), parabens (bactericide preservatives) and dimethicone (silicone lubricants) are probably exacerbating the problem. It is important to gather all of the products that you use in or near the vagina and determine what is in them to assure that they are as natural as possible. The rules here are as follows:
- If there are no ingredients on the product label, do not use it.
- If you cannot pronounce the ingredient, research it to find out what it is before using it.
- Make sure that you trust the company to list all the ingredients and that they do not have constituent ingredients added secretly. Hard to do I know, but those hidden chemicals could be the problem
It gets more complicated and therefore adopting a “simpler is better” philosophy is better. Meaning, you might want to DIY anything that you use in your private areas. You would be amazed at how many women have found relief by eliminating commercial products alone.
Hormonal disruption is another thing to consider. By no means am I a hormonal disruption expert. I am a strong studier of the subject and many organizations like the Environmental Working Group (EWG), Safe Cosmetics and many holistic health organizations attribute sexual disfunction to many chemicals like phthalates in products used in an on the body. Yes, these chemicals that are used in perfumes and fragrance are linked to premature menopause and symptoms like vaginal dryness. Please, do not take my word for this. Google and research!
So, there is a link to chemicals and vaginal dryness. Equally, chemicals like propylene glycol (PEG’s) are also known to promote a need to reapply frequently causing more drying effects while trying to stop the problem. So imagine that the more you apply of a product containing glycols (PEG’s) that the dryer you get and the more you need to reapply. Not a good cycle to get into. Those of you that have used products containing glycols either know what I am talking about or now understand why they feel the way they do. No good!
Tortuga As A Personal Lubricant?
I have a close girlfriend who has struggled with vaginal dryness since her thirties. It became worse when she started to lose her hormones and began menopause. This myth that life is better after menopause is debatable and different for every woman. It certainly was not better for her. Tortuga for her was a very good solution because I knew what is in it. So, when I asked her to try Tortuga versus the synthetic personal lubricant she was using, she agreed. The marketing hype of some personal lubricants caused her to read the labels, so it was an easy sell. The lure of enhanced pleasure and increased sexuality was quickly dispelled after reading these labels. Admittedly, most had no ingredients listed which caused me to worry for her. I know what naive manufacturers use in skin care and I know that most of the ingredients would be the same in the personal lubricant category. When I did find a company that listed their ingredients I was horror struck that they really expected anyone to use that stuff inside.
Again, many of our customers use Tortuga as a personal lubricant and find it sensational. I do recommend, because there are no preservatives, that you refrigerate it and if you have any reaction at all, stop. Use something else that is natural avoiding some ingredients like coconut oil or EVOO (olive oil) as they can be harsh and aggressive.
Okay, here I get to preach a bit and alert you that there are alternatives to post menopausal problems. Yes, diet is important and using chemical-free products are of equal importance, but lets just get real. There is one major thing that you can do that I did a few years ago. Go BHRT!
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Dear Suzanne Somers, Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing me to Dr. Jonathan Wright! Dr. Wright you know I think you walk on water and talk to the gods! Thank you for all my friends that you have helped with your knowledge and expertise! Wendy
In a number of Suzanne Somers books, she talks about the benefits of BHRT for both men and women as they age. Dr. Wright says that we should start to pay attention to our hormone levels as early as our mid-thirties. Simple testing sets the levels and the most youth preserving thing we can do is to maintain our hormone levels. I got wise in my early 50’s I was tired of experiencing brain fog, tiredness and feeling cold. Yes, using Tortuga Lotion combats the dryness, but as good as Tortuga is, it cannot take care of all the other symptoms of post menopause.
Suzanne’s suggestion to visit Jonathan Wright was more about wellness than dealing with problems. I had read all his work on thyroid and nutritional anti-aging, but my interest was in taking charge of my well-being. When I learned about Dr. Jonathan Wright’s work with BHRT, I was at his Tahoma Clinic in a flash. Okay, I am a Cancerian and all Cancerian’s know that we experiment with everything from diet to what goes on our bodies. Before my appointment, I read everything that Jonathan Wright wrote about BHRT and I was convinced before starting out on BHRT that it was the right thing for me. Just let me say that it was the best investment I made on myself in my entire life. I am feeling pre-40 again! My husband says I look 40 again! Enough said?
Here is a link to a video that you should watch to form your own opinions. Dr. Jonathan Wright on BHRT
The cause of any problem is always what we should hunt for and not just solutions to symptoms. My friend who has always struggled with vaginal dryness went on BHRT as well. The combination of BHRT and Tortuga as a personal lubricant is now a part of my friends life as it is with the others that I have recommended visiting Dr. Wrights Tahoma Clinic near Seattle.
Yes, this is a very personal subject, but don’t you owe it to yourself to find relief? Dr. Maya Angelou said it best when she said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
Yes, Tortuga is wonderful and a pure product. Realizing that we have choices in taking charge of our own personal wellness and health is a revelation. As we always say at Keys; It is Time to Get Wise!