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May for Melanoma Awareness

May is Melanoma Awareness Month 

Wendy Steele, Keys CEO and Melanoma Survivor

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. It affects more than 5 million people each year.

Skin cancer: cancer you can see. Be proactive. Do skin exams monthly: they visually remind you to pay attention to your skin. Note any new or changing moles or unusual lesions. I am a melanoma survivor and grateful that early detection saved my life. I understand the ABCDEs of melanoma. It is essential to spot any potential skin cancers early. I just had my annual total body skin exam with my dermatology group. The yearly exam supplements my at-home skin checks.   

Trust your instincts. You know your skin better than anyone. If you notice anything that you think is suspicious, get it checked. Do not allow a doctor to freeze or scrape that lesion off! Instead, insist that the doctor biopsy and report the results. A skin biopsy is the best way to detect and treat early skin cancer before they have a chance to escalate.

Awareness + Education  I am a member of the Skin Cancer Foundation. I support educational outreach efforts for skin cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment. Learn more about how to check and protect your skin expertly. Go to the Skin Cancer Foundation website  

How much do you know about skin cancer? Take the Quiz:

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