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New One-Page Checkout Super-Secure and Super Easy

checkoutWe accelerated the development of our new One-Page checkout to make checking out of our store easier, faster and more secure.  Last years, new banking regulations required all online merchants to comply with something called DSS.  Basically it was a multi-trip software authentication that forced us to have a secondary credit card entry page that worked most of the time, but failed some times because people were using out of date browsers or ha too high a level of firewall security.  We accelerated development and worked with and Wells Fargo to create a new way of authenticating transactions more securely and in one pass.  This makes our new One Page checkout faster, easier and more secure.  In initial test by customers they had no failures and the process was about three times faster.  Very Cool!  Thanks to our developers and partners.  Still with the new system we do not keep your credit card numbers on file which means it is always safe with you.

Everything is on one page and if your register with us, you need only enter your user name and password along with your credit card information to complete a sale.   Fast and secure, we are also working on a system to remember who you are and automatically log you in when you use a device that we recognize.

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