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Good News Spreads Fast Too. Something To Smile About

Bob and I have been in voluntary isolation in the New Mexico high desert for over 21 days. Just about all of our news comes from a summary call I attend daily from Wells Fargo and from Bob’s uber-connections in the science and medical world.   Wendy Steele, Keys CEO

Good News! Please!

It is not so hard to find some good news and great stories in these times – if you are looking for them. The following is an email exchange over a few days between Laura, a Keys Customer, and Bob Root, our Cheif Scientist. The topic started with a small note from Laura at the bottom of her order for our hand sanitizers.

Bob was working on our customer service line to help out. He fielded this comment from a customer’s online order for our Hand Sanitizer.  This note touched us all but paled in comparison to the exchange Bob & Laura had after her initial order note and Bob’s followup.

I hope you enjoy this. And thanks to everyone else that has offered our team encouragement. Keepin on Keepin on!


Note: re: Laura’s Order


Can’t thank you enough for making this sanitizer available.

Will be sharing with my doctor-brother, mailman, local homeless shelter, grandkids, and more!

You’re the greatest.

Safe safe out there, darlings.



Bob Root:

Dear Laura,

Your note could have not come at a better time. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

Our team is young and scared to death (because of Covid-19). Said, they are working ten-hour days to manufacture and deliver the products.

We conceived of the idea a week ago Saturday for the sanitizer, and the team was shipping product within seven days. They are super-heroes in their own right, and it certainly feels good amidst this troubling time to see people standing up to help. There will be good that comes from this.





I’d been holding it together, but your note made me cry …

Thanks so much for diverting precious time from your mission to explain what you and others at the “front lines” are witnessing.

I ache to think of young ones feeling petrified … am sending all the strength and positive energy I can muster … together we’ll endure!

Where would *any* of us be without each other?

Deeply grateful to you ALL for your sacrifice and courage.

Hugs to everyone on your awesome team – including you.

Praying for your health, stamina, happiness, & wellbeing.

With love from your fan club,




Gave a bottle of your sanitizer, tied with purple ribbon, to our mail carrier. I think he was expecting some cookies or treats. When he realized what it was, he stood there, transfixed, then got so excited I half-expected him to start jumping up & down. “Oh my GOODNESS. This is EXACTLY what I need. I’ve been making my own, with mint. [When I told him it was organic, he beamed and shook his head again.] You wouldn’t believe how much I need this. Thanks, baby. In June we’ll hug.”

Kept staring at the bottle as he walked away … cupping it in his hand like a precious treasure.

All because of you & your devoted crew at Keys.

Thanks so much for brightening his afternoon … and ours.

Next stop, the homeless shelter down the street …

A shout-out to all you superheroes at Keys!

Stay safe out there, dear ones.

Best wishes,



In the words of Winston Churchill: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” A motto to live by!


—-Suspect there will be more of this story to come.

Hope you have smile!

Thanks to the very smart minds at Los Alamos, DARPA and the others searching for answers!

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