There are reports all over the US of a resistant strain of super lice that are not controlled by convention lice treatments. I have been aware of this for a couple of years, but without scientists raising the warning flag, my words have fallen short.
Our customers have reported that our RediCare is not only highly effective at repelling initial lice infestation, but also kills the lice. Customer reports are that RediCare works where other treatments did not. Frankly, we have not been able to find a study group where they are willing to test natural alternatives because most of the research is sponsored by large companies trying to prove their product works. We have not been able to find any research project that is university internally sponsored.
My theory is unique of why RediCare kills lice. Simply, it appears that because RediCare uses various oil types to mimic the skins own sebum that it actually suffocates the lice. I am told and have researched that lice breath through their exoskeleton. It is plausible that RediCare does clog the exoskeleton of lice leading to their extinction.
In short, RediCare works and our customers tell us that it rids lice and repels them.
What is also interesting is that it is not uncommon to hear that a product works with some mutations and not others. So far, in the last three years, we have only heard positive results using RediCare for lice. Important is that the reported states for the super lice are also states that we have heard of success using RediCare.
Below is the article from the Telegraph in the UK. Once the study is released, you should hear more about this in the news.
Super head lice warning as scientists discover almost all species are resistant to treatments
Scientists report that lice in at least 25 American states have developed resistance to over-the-counter treatments still widely recommended by doctors and schools.
Doctor Kyong Yoon, of Southern Illinois University, said: “We are the first group to collect lice samples from a large number of populations across the United States.
“What we found was that 104 out of the 109 lice populations we tested had high levels of gene mutations, which have been linked to resistance to pyrethroids.”
Pyrethroids are a family of insecticides used widely indoors and outdoors to control mosquitoes and other insects. It includes permethrin, the active ingredient in some of the most common lice treatments sold over the counter.
Dr Yoon said that the momentum toward widespread pyrethroid-resistant lice has been building for years. The first report on the development came from Israel in the late 1990s.
He became one of the first to report the phenomenon in the US in 2000 when he was a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts.
Dr Yoon said: “I was working on insecticide metabolism in a potato beetle when my mentor, John Clark, suggested I look into the resurgence of head lice.
“I asked him in what country and was surprised when he said the US.”
Dr Yoon tested the pests for a trio of genetic mutations known collectively as kdr, which stands for “knock-down resistance” which were first found in house flies in the late 1970s after farmers began using pyrethroids rather than DDT.
He found many of the lice did indeed have kdr mutations, which affect an insect’s nervous system and desensitise them to pyrethroids. Since then, he has expanded his survey.
In the most recent study he gathered lice from 30 states and discovered that samples from 25, including California, Texas, Florida and Maine, had all three genetic mutations associated with kdr making them the most resistant to pyrethroids
Dr Yoon says that lice can still be controlled by using different chemicals, some of which are available only by prescription.Samples from four states – New York, New Jersey, New Mexico and Oregon – had one, two or three mutations. The only state with a population of lice still largely susceptible to the insecticide was Michigan. Dr Yoon said why lice haven’t developed resistance there is still under investigation.
But he added: “If you use a chemical over and over, these little creatures will eventually develop resistance.
“So we have to think before we use a treatment. The good news is head lice don’t carry disease. They’re more a nuisance than anything else.”’
The findings are due to be presented at the 250th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society.