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Nextra® NeoRetinol – Exceeding Expectations

Nextra® NeoRetinol Discovery – Better Than Retinol “I am in my 60’s and have been using Retinol for decades. By far, it is the best skincare product ever invented. I have purchased Retinol in tiny tubes for over $300 each for years, and it has been worth it until Nextra® NeoRetinol. When Bob Root researched and invented NeoRetinol, I was skeptical; how was it possible to recreate a Retinol that can be used every day, in the sun and without side effects. I started using Nextra NeorRetinol over a year ago, and I use it every day with none of the side effects of Retinol. It is amazing, and it has an amazing price. It is important to note that Retinol is a vitamin A ester developed many years ago with side effects as legendary as its effects. We have developed NeoRetinol that does all the same things as Retinol, but with none of the side effects.” Wendy Steele Keys® CEO Retinol is the staple of just about everyone’s skin regimen that wants to turn back the clock. Retinol is a vitamin A ester developed many years ago, primarily for acute acne sufferers. The effects are legendary, as are the […]

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Skin Pairings – Keys Guide to a Youthful Look (Discount Extended)

Keys Skin Pairings by Wendy Steele

Pairing fine skin care products for anti-aging and beauty is like pairing fine wines with great food. Our products are great. Often they are greater together.  This article by Wendy Steele points out the Keys product pairings she uses.  Wendy offers a discount coupon for you to try and believe.

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Wendy’s Daily Keys Anti-Aging Regimen

You don’t have to be expert with an overflowing cabinet of miracle products to take good daily care of your skin. Checkout my article on my daily simple regimen for anti-aging and save. Wendy

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