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UV “B” Chic and UV “A” Wise – How to avoid skin cancer!

Wendy Steele, Keys CEO

UV “B” Chic and UV “A” Wise  Video

Wendy Steele Keys CEO and Ten Year Melanoma Survivor

After the shock of being diagnosed with Melanoma Skin Cancer and the aftermath of dealing with all the chemical in my life that cause my skin disorders, the reality set home pretty quickly.   My skn could never again be exposed to prolonged UV events.  Growing up with a golden tan every summer, sailing the Chesapeak Bay and living in San Diego on a boat caused me to rethink my lifestyle.  Moreover, it caused me to become a advocate and spokesperson for UV and sun avoidance.

Yes, we make one of the finest sunblocks in the world. Consumer Reports said it was the most effective. The Environmental Working Group said we are the safest.   Still, my advocacy is education to stay out of the sun, wear a UPF rated hat and clothing, wear sunglasses and then cover exposed skin with sun protection.  Strange that a sun protection company would say cover-up…not really! Every day throughout the world, people die from Melanoma. Many do not realize it until it is too late.   I dress the way I do and take the sun seriously because my life depends on it.

90% of all visible skin aging comes from UV exposure.   So, if you are not afraid of the cancer potential, think of how you will look when you get older. Don’t think you have sun damage?   Hold your arms out so that you see the tops of your arms. Look at them carefully.   Any brown spots, freckles wrinkles or dry spots?  Now turn them over to see what no sun looks like.   If there is no difference, then good for you.   You are part of the <1% of the population that does not have sun damage.

Watch my video to see how to protect yourself from skin cancer and againg. It is all a matter of covering up!

Click the Arrow on the Video Player  See the Video

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